Let us install and setup Windows 11 operating system on virtual box. You can download Oracle VM Virtual box from here.
- Search for Windows 11 as below and go to the first search result.
- Select the ISO option as below and click on Download
- Now you will be prompt to select a language for the product. Select as per your choice and Confirm.
- Next click on the 64 bit Download, it will start the downloading
- Below you will see an option for verification which is optional if you need to verify the downloading process has happened properly without any issue you can use the hash provided to verify.
- Once the download is complete open your virtual box. We will now be setting up a new machine here.
- In virtual box, click on machine → New as below.
- A new dialog box will appear. Provide the details as → Name : Any name you want to give( I already have a VM set with name as Windows 11 so i have named this one as Windows 11 NEW), Machine folder : The place/path where you want to store the VM’s data and files, Type: Windows 11, Version: Windows 11 (64bit). Click on next.
- Allocate the memory size as per your requirement and configuration. I have set it up to 5000MB. Next.
- Select Create a virtual hard disk now. Click create.
- Select the disk image option. Next.
- Select dynamically allocated. Next.
- Provide the path to store the new .vdi file which will be created or you can keep the default path. Select the size for the virtual hard disk. Here I have allocated 80 GB. Click on create once you are done.
- Now here you can see our new machine is created, but we need to do the further setup. Click on the settings orange color icon on the top.
- In the Settings dialog box, Go to Storage → Empty → Check on Live CD/DVD → Choose a disk file…
- Select the Windows 11 Disk Image file from downloads. It’s all setup. You can change other configurations according to your requirement. Click on close.
- Now you can click on Start, to start the machine.
- Now once started you may get this as below:
- To sort it out power off the machine. Go to settings → System → Motherboard → Uncheck the Enable EFI option if it is checked and click on OK. Now restart the machine.
- Once you start the machine, below screen will appear, select the language, Time & currency format and input method. Next.
- Click on Install now.
- If you have a product key provide it. Here i will be selecting ‘ I don’t have a product key option.
- Here select any Windows 11 type you want. Next.
- Oops! here we are getting a prompt saying this pc can’t run Windows 11. Let’s fix this.
- Now Power off your machine and restart it again.
- When you see the below window click ‘Shift + F10’ . This will open the command prompt.
- In the command prompt type ‘regedit’ as below and click on enter.
- The Registry editor will be opened as below. Now go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SYSTEM → Setup.
- Right click on Setup and select New → Key
- Name it exactly as LabConfig and enter.
- Right click inside LabConfig and click on New → DWORD 32 bit value
- Name it as BypassTPMCheck and enter.
- Right click on it and select Modify.
- A new dialog will appear. Here change the value from 0 to 1 means we are making this parameter active. Click on OK
- Similarly create one more value. Right click → New → DWORD 32 bit value.
- Name it as BypassSecureBootCheck
- Right click → Modify
- Set value data to 1 and click on OK. Now close the Regedit window also the command prompt.
- Again follow the same process we followed previously and start the installation.
- Accept the terms → Next
- Select custom → Next
- Next
- Finally this will start up your installation process.
- Once the installation is done it will ask to set up language, device name, time, password etc. When the setup is finished, you can start using your Windows 11 OS on Virtual Box.
Happy reading :)